Welcome to FH O'Reilly & Co. We are a Dublin based legal firm specialising in the following areas of law:

Personal Injury*
Traffic accidents, whether on the roads, and irrespective of whether you are a pedestrian, a driver, a passenger or a cyclist, sports injuries while at or participating in sports, and slips and trips either on a public street, in a shop or any other premises can all be the subject of a claim for negligence provided someone, other than you, is responsible for the injury.
Most of these claims must now be taken in the first instance to the Personal Injuries Assessment Board (PIAB), but you should always consult a solicitor before making any such claim. We can guide you through this process, and can also advise you on the sufficiency or otherwise of any award which PIAB might make. If you are unhappy with such an award, you have the right to bring the matter to court, and in such an instance you need the professional advice of a solicitor experienced in the value, or quantum, of different types of claims. We have that experience.
* In Contentious business, a solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a percentage or proportion of any award or settlement

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